Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
EventId | globally unique identifier |
None. |
Name | string |
None. |
StartDate | date |
None. |
EndDate | date |
None. |
Description | string |
None. |
Category | string |
None. |
Training | string |
None. |
RegistrationCount | integer |
None. |
ProgramId | globally unique identifier |
None. |
CheckinCount | integer |
None. |
PublicEventUrl | integer |
None. |
CountdownInDays | integer |
None. |
IsRecurringEvent | boolean |
None. |
BuildingId | globally unique identifier |
None. |
Building | Building |
None. |
Room | string |
None. |
MaximumEventCapacity | integer |
None. |
WaitListThisEvent | integer |
None. |
StreamingEnabled | boolean |
None. |
Image | string |
None. |
ImageId | globally unique identifier |
None. |
ProgramRun | string |
None. |
DisplayAttendeeRegistration | boolean |
None. |
DisplayVolunteerRegistration | boolean |
None. |
EventSessions | Collection of EventSession |
None. |
EventPasses | Collection of EventPass |
None. |
CustomRegistrations | Collection of Customregistration |
None. |
EventRegistrations | Collection of EventRegistration |
None. |
VolunteerName | string |
None. |
Isregistered | boolean |
None. |